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The Lobby Studio 在觀塘開業已超過五年,位置便利,距離地鐵站僅幾分鐘步行路程。整個樓層佔地​​超過 4,500 平方英尺,樓底14 尺高,為相片、video拍攝等提供專業而寬敞的環境。除了拍攝,The Lobby還可以舉辦多達 150 人的活動和講座。


我們功能齊全的廚房讓您可以大快朵頤,為您的客人烹煮美味佳餚。此外,The Lobby Studio是Pet friendly的,您可以帶上您的毛孩一起記下特別的回憶。無論您是需要一個空間來與親朋寵物放鬆一下,還是需要一個地方來拍攝您的下一個project,The Lobby Studio都能為您提供幫助,歡迎預約參觀。

Create Memories at Homey Party Space

Where Comfort and Fun Collide

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Welcome Home: Enjoy the Comfort of Homey Party Space

Book The Lobby: A Cozy Place to Enjoy

Previously, we only offered commercial rental for professional shooting, however, we have now expanded our services to include party space rental. What's more, our space is pet-friendly so you can bring your furry friends along too!  If you’re looking for an unforgettable experience, The Lobby is the place to be.

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